
Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila
Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila

Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos

Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila


El diseño de los rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila les permite distribuir cargas de manera uniforme a través de los rodillos, proporcionando una mayor capacidad de carga en comparación con los rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos de una sola fila. Además, ofrecen fricción relativamente baja y pueden operar a altas velocidades bajo ciertas condiciones. 3

Detalle del producto

Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
220 370 120 4.0 270 1070 1860 1200 1500 NNU3144 265.2 19 6 233 327 2.5 52.4
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/P63W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/P53W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/C3W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948K/SPC1W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.7
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 2000 2600 NN3048K 285.2 253 347 2.5 32.7
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048 285.2 253 347 2.5 31.6
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048K/P51W33 285.2 15 6 253 347 2.5 32.6
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048K/SPC1W33 285.2 15 6 253 347 2.5 32.6
260 360 80 2.1 292 666 1500 1600 1900 NNU4952X2/C9W33 325 9.5 5 273 347 2.5 28.2
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33YA4 325 15 6 273 347 2.6 31.7
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33 325 15 6 273 347 2.7 31.7
260 360 100 2.1 292 835 2030 1400 1700 NN4952K/W33 325 15 6 273 347 2.7 30.4
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952K/W33 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 30.4
260 360 100 2.1 292 840 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33YA4-1 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 31.7
260 360 115 2.1 292 990 2500 1400 1700 NNU4952X2/W33YAB 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 36.8
260 400 104 4 364 1010 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K/C9W33YB5 312.8 15 6 276 347 3 49.2
260 400 104 4.0 364 1110 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K/P51W33 312.8 15 6 276 384 3 49.2
260 400 104 4.0 364 1110 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K 312.8 276 384 3 49.3
260 400 140 4 295 1570 3000 1150 1300 NNU4052/W33 13.9 7.5 276 384 3 63.4
260 440 180 4.0 306 2240 4500 1000 1500 NNU4152 276 424 3 111
280 380 100 2.1 309 870 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956K/P52W33 358 15 6 291 369 2 27.5
280 380 100 2.1 309 960 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956K/W33 387 15 6 291 369 2 27.5
280 380 100 2.1 309 960 2200 1300 1600 NN4956K/W33 347 15 6 291 369 2 27.8
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
280 380 100 2.1 309 870 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956 347 291 369 2 29
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1800 2200 NN3056K 332.8 347 296 404 3 49.7
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056 332.8 347 296 404 3 52.3
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056K/W33 332.8 296 404 3 49.7
280 420 106 4.1 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056K/P52W33 332.8 15 6 296 404 3 49.6
280 460 180 5 326 2500 4700 900 1200 NNU4156 300 440 4 118
300 420 118 3.0 339 1050 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960/C3W33 407 17.7 9 314 406 2.5 51.6
300 420 118 3.0 339 1050 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960/C9 314 406 2.5 52.2
300 420 118 3 339 1150 2800 1200 1500 NN4960K/W33 379 314 406 2.5 52
300 430 150 4 339 1840 4150 1200 1500 NNU5960X3/W33YB4 385 314 406 2.5 158
300 460 118 4.0 418 1290 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/YA8 360.4 316 444 3 76.2
300 460 118 4.0 418 1290 2790 1200 1500 NN3060/YA8 360.4 316 444 3 77.9
300 460 118 4.0 418 1420 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/W33 360.4 314 444 3 75.5
300 460 118 4.0 418 1560 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/P51W33YA8 360.4 17.7 9 316 444 3 75.8
300 420 118 3.0 339 1150 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960K/W33 379 17.7 9 314 406 2.5 49.3
300 500 200 5.0 312 2850 5500 900 1100 NNU4160/HCW33 360.4 314 444 3 158
320 440 118 3.0 359 1090 3040 1100 1400 NNU4964/W33 399 17.7 9 334 426 2.5 54.9
320 480 121 4.0 438 1360 2910 1100 1400 NN3064/W33 377 17.7 8 336 464 3 76.3
320 480 121 4.0 438 1360 2910 1100 1400 NN3064K/P52W33 377 17.7 8 336 464 3 72.8
320 480 145 3.7 364 1820 3870 1100 1300 NNU4064X2/C9W33 424 18 8 336 464 3 93.3
340 520 180 5 385 2490 4800 860 1000 NNU4068/W33X 460 12 6 360 500 4 136
340 520 133 5 473 1730 3780 900 1050 NN3068K/W33 406 16.7 9 360 500 4 99.5
340 520 180 5 436 2600 5500 900 1100 NNU4068/HCW33 406 17.3 9 360 500 4 136
340 520 243 5 410 4200 8850 900 1100 NNCF5068V 406 18.5 9 360 500 4 178
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
340 580 243 5 402 4000 7550 780 940 NNU4168 510 360 560 4 267
360 480 118 3 510 1190 3500 950 1200 NNU4972K/C9W33 423 18.5 9 360 500 58.5
360 540 134 5.0 493 1940 3900 900 1100 NN3072K/P52W33 426 17.7 12 380 497 4 105
380 560 135 5.0 515 1800 4100 1300 1500 NN3076K/P52W33 448 17.7 12 400 517 4 110
380 620 243 5.0 442 4130 8350 700 850 NNU4176/C9 538 400 580 4 288
400 540 140 4 446 1700 4500 NNU4980K/W33 491 16.7 8 416 524 3 90.6
400 560 140 4.0 466 1650 4750 850 1000 NNU4984K/P52W33 515 17.7 9 436 539 2 141
400 600 148 5 549 2360 4750 1150 1300 NN3080K 472 426 580 4 141
400 600 148 5 549 2360 4750 1150 1300 NN3080K/W33 472 568 426 580 4 328
400 620 200 5 469 3450 7500 750 900 NNU4084/W33 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 93.3
400 620 220 5 469 3250 7810 750 900 NNU4084X3/HCEW33X 536 12 6 440 600 4 204
400 620 150 5 569 2100 4500 1000 1250 NN3084K/W33 497 16.7 9 574 600 4 205
400 650 250 6 463 4700 9550 1000 1250 NNU4180 426 624 5 135
420 560 140 4 446 1810 4750 850 1000 NNU4984K/W33 556 12 9 440 600 4 93.3
420 620 200 5 380 3250 7810 750 900 NNU4084X3/HCW33 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 205
420 620 200 3 380 3450 7500 750 900 NNU4084/W33TYA6 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 204
440 540 100 2.1 471 1000 3000 840 950 NNU4888K/W33 505 16.7 9 448 529 2 49
440 540 100 2.1 471 1000 3000 840 950 NNU4888/W33 505 16.7 9 448 529 2 49
440 620 225 5 3860 9670 750 850 NNP4088X3/HCW33X-1 602 16.7 7.5 466 614 5 221
440 640 230 6.0 482 4790 10400 700 850 NNP4088X3/W33 602 16.7 7.5 466 614 5 256
440 650 157 6 2540 5250 1000 1200 NN3088K/W33 582 76.7 12 466 624 5 172
440 650 212 6 487 3850 8250 700 850 NNU4088/W33 582 22.3 12 466 624 5 214
440 650 212 6 487 3850 8250 700 850 NNU4088K/W33 582 22.3 12 466 624 5 214
440 720 280 6 511 5650 11500 600 700 NNU4188K30M/W33 638 22.3 12 466 694 5 452
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
440 720 280 6 511 5650 11500 600 700 NNU4188/W33 638 22.3 12 466 694 5 452
440 580 118 3 497 1150 3250 840 950 NNU4892K/W33 16.7 9 474 566 2.5 75
440 580 118 3 497 1150 3250 840 950 NNU4892/W33 537 16.7 9 474 566 2.5 75
440 620 160 4 510 2000 5400 800 900 NNU4992/W33 537 16.7 9 476 604 3 132
440 620 160 4 510 2000 5400 800 900 NNU4992K/W33 565 16.7 9 476 604 3 128
440 680 163 6.0 624 2600 6200 1000 1200 NN3092K/P52W33 565 20.5 12 486 627 5 198
440 680 163 6 624 2500 5500 950 1150 NN3092K/W33 544 22.3 12 627 654 5 185
440 680 218 6 513 4250 9300 650 780 NNU4092/W33 544 614 22.3 12 486 654 5 238
440 680 218 6 513 4250 9300 650 780 NNU4092K/W33 614 22.3 12 486 654 5 235
440 760 300 7.5 537 6350 13000 550 650 NNU4192K30 672 493 727 6 533
440 760 300 7.5 537 6350 13000 550 650 NNU4192 672 493 727 6 535
440 650 170 5 534 2300 6150 720 880 NNU4996/W33 592 22.3 12 500 630 4 150
440 650 170 5 534 2300 6150 720 880 NNU4996K/W33 592 22.3 12 500 630 4 148
440 700 165 6 644 2500 5800 930 1000 NN3096/W33 564 22.3 12 648 674 5 198
440 700 165 6 644 2500 5800 930 1000 NN3096K/W33 564 22.3 12 648 674 5 192
440 700 218 6 533 4200 9600 620 720 NNU4096/W33 634 22.3 12 506 674 5 272
440 700 218 6 533 4200 9600 620 720 NNU4096/W33 634 22.3 12 506 674 5 265
440 790 308 7.5 557 7000 14400 500 600 NNU4196/W33 701 22.3 12 513 757 6 591
440 790 308 7.5 557 7000 14400 500 600 NNU4196K/W33 701 22.3 12 513 757 6 585
457.2 660.4 203.2 6 510 3550 8300 670 800 NNU6/457.2WB/HCC9W33X 585 22.3 12 648 674 5 244
460 620 160 4 510 2100 5900 800 950 NNU4992/W33 144
460 680 163 6 501 2600 6200 1000 1200 NN3092/SPYB5 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 200
460 680 163 6 501 2850 6200 1000 1200 NN3092K/W33 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 198
460 680 163 6 501 2600 6200 1000 1200 NNU3092/W33 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 208
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
460 680 218 6 501 3930 8860 1000 1200 NNU4092/W33 614 11.5 12 486 654 5 281
480 720 200 3 600 4000 8650 950 1100 NNU3096X3/W33TYA6 612 11.5 12 520 650 4 285
500 670 160 5.0 554 2450 6800 750 1000 NNU49/500X2F1/YA34 612 520 650 4 174
500 670 170 5 554 2330 6100 750 1000 NNU49/500F1/W33X 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 178
500 670 170 5 554 2330 6100 750 1000 NNU49/500K/W33X 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 178
500 670 450 5 515 3300 8700 ND69/500X2D/DR-SY 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 402
500 720 167 6 664 2650 5800 950 1100 NN30/500/W33 584 22.3 12 668 694 5 210
500 720 167 6 664 2650 5800 950 1100 NN30/500/W33 584 22.3 12 668 694 5 205
500 720 218 6 553 4450 10500 620 740 NNU40/500/W33 654 22.3 12 526 694 5 285
500 720 218 6 553 4450 10500 620 740 NNU40/500K/W33 654 22.3 12 526 694 5 282
500 730 305 6.0 676 6200 15100 600 700 NNP6/500/HCP63W33YB5 556 658 22.3 12 526 704 5 435
500 830 325 7.5 582 7400 14500 580 700 NNU41/500/W33 734 22.3 12 533 797 6 705
500 830 325 7.5 582 7400 14500 580 700 NNU41/500/W33 734 22.3 12 533 797 6 499
530 710 106 5.0 610 2220 5900 850 1000 NN39/530K/W33 649 15.5 6 550 690 4 151
530 710 180 5.0 588 2930 7450 700 950 NNU49/530/HCW33 649 17.7 6 550 690 4 203
530 710 180 5.0 588 2930 7450 700 950 NNU49/530K/W33 649 17.7 6 550 690 4 203
530 780 185 6 715 3250 7250 880 980 NN30/530/W33 625 22.3 12 720 754 5 262
530 780 185 6 715 3250 7250 880 980 NN30/530K/W33 625 22.3 12 720 754 5 258
530 780 225 5 688 4400 10200 1000 1100 NNU6/530/HCW33 625 25.3 12 720 754 5 366
530 780 250 6 591 5400 12100 550 650 NNU40/530/W33 706 22.3 12 556 754 5 415
530 780 250 6 591 5400 12100 550 650 NNU40/530K/W33 706 22.3 12 556 754 5 410
530 870 335 7.5 618 7750 15500 460 550 NNU41/530K30/W33 770 22.3 12 563 837 6 788
530 870 335 7.5 618 7750 15500 460 550 NNU41/530/W33 770 22.3 12 563 837 6 788
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560/W33 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 245
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 235
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33X 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 235
560 820 195 6.0 755 3720 8170 600 850 NN30/560K 658.4 590 790 6 337
560 820 195 6.0 755 3720 8150 600 850 NN30/560K/P5W33 658.4 22.3 12 590 790 6 336
560 820 258 6.0 732 5900 14000 530 630 NNU40/560/W33 658.4 22.3 12 590 790 6 468
560 750 190 5.0 693 2690 7900 630 750 NN49/560K/P51W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 233
560 750 190 5.0 693 2690 7900 630 750 NN49/560K/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 233
560 750 190 5.0 693 3200 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 235
560 820 258 6.0 626 5900 14000 530 630 NNU40/560/P63W33YB5 732 22.3 12 590 790 6 468
560 920 355 7.5 737 8550 18200 500 600 NNU41/560/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 944
560 920 355 7.5 737 8550 18200 500 600 NNU41/560/HCRW33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 944
600 800 200 5.0 666 3700 11400 560 670 NNU49/600/P63W33YB5 737 22.3 12 620 780 4 282
600 820 200 6 631 9750 35000 560 670 NNU49/600/W33X 737 22.3 12 620 780 4 282
600 870 200 6.0 805 4460 9850 600 800 NN30/600KF1/YA8 701 630 840 6 384
600 870 200 6.0 805 4460 9850 600 800 NN30/600F1/YA8 701 15 8 630 840 6 403
600 870 272 6 764 7690 15900 FL-240/600/W33 864 22.3 12 634 550
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/HCW33 864 22.3 12 634 946 6 1123
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/W33 864 22.3 12 634 946 6 1123
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/HCRW33 20.5 8 650 946 6 1123
630 780 150 4.0 738 2270 6900 500 600 NN48/630K/P51W33 686 20.5 8 650 760 4 161
630 850 218 6 742 3360 11000 530 630 NNU49/630K/C9W33 686 20.5 8 650 760 4 372
630 920 212 7.5 850 5050 11300 700 800 NN30/630/P4W33YB5 686 660 760 4 462
630 920 212 7.5 850 4350 10600 550 750 NN30/630KF1/YA8 738 15 8 660 890 6 438
630 920 212 7.5 850 4350 10600 550 750 NN30/630F1/YA8 738 822 696 890 6 460
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
670 900 230 6.0 738 4900 12500 500 600 NNU49/670/C3 872 704 870 5 424
670 900 230 6.0 738 4750 13300 500 600 NNU49/670/W33 872 704 907 6 424
670 980 230 7.5 760 4980 11300 670 750 NNU30/670 872 704 907 6 594
670 980 308 7.5 260 8470 20000 480 560 NN40/670K/P4W33YB5 872 704 907 6 773
670 980 230 7.5 230 4980 11300 FL-NNU30/670/W33X 881 30 15 724 907 6 594
690 980 365 7.5 759 9950 26100 560 670 NNU6/690/HCEC9W33YB2 881 30 15 724 940 6 912
690 980 365 6 759 9950 26100 560 670 NNU6/690/HCC91W33YB2 890 736 940 6 912
710 950 243 6.0 770 5730 15200 450 530 NNP49/710/C9YA57 890 30 15 736 896 5 493
710 950 240 6.0 768 5250 15000 450 530 NNU49/710/HCW33 878 736 896 5 492
710 950 243 6.0 782 5730 16500 450 530 NNP49/710/C9YA7 22.3 12 744 896 5 512
710 1030 236 7.5 951 5500 12500 580 650 NN30/710/W33 831 937 22.3 12 744 957 6 595
710 1030 315 7.5 784 9000 21500 380 450 NNU40/710/W33 1024 22.3 12 750 996 6 858
710 1150 438 9.5 820 12800 28000 310 370 NNU41/710/W33 1110 8 1800
710 870 180 4 823 2600 8500 480 550 NN48/710X2K 771.8
750 920 170 5 879 3550 10000 460 530 NN48/750K30/W33 811 22.3 12 770 887 4 235
750 1000 250 8 831 5050 16000 420 480 NNU49/750/W33X 918 776 974 5 570
750 1000 250 6 831 5400 15800 420 480 NNU49/750 918 776 974 5 535
750 1090 250 7.5 1013 6800 15000 550 600 NN30/750/W33 877 22.3 12 784 1011 6 700
750 1090 250 7.5 1007 7050 16000 550 620 NN30/750/P63W33YB5 22.3 12 6 767
750 1090 335 7.5 830 10000 23500 350 420 NNU40/750/W33 991 22.3 12 784 1000 6 924
750 1220 475 9.5 871 16000 35600 280 350 NNU41/750/W33 1083 22.3 12 790 1180 8 2240
800 1060 258 6 884 5800 16500 360 440 NNU49/800/W33X 974 22.3 12 826 1034 5 614
800 1060 258 6 884 5700 16900 380 450 NNU49/800K/W33 974 22.3 12 826 1034 5 639
800 1150 258 7.5 1065 7500 17500 510 580 NN30/800K/W33 929 22.3 12 833 1071 6 750
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
800 1150 258 7.5 1065 7500 17500 510 580 NN30/800/W33 929 22.3 12 833 1071 6 785
800 1150 345 7.5 885 10500 26500 330 380 NNU40/800/W33 1046 22.3 12 833 1117 6 1150
800 1280 475 9.5 921 15500 36000 270 325 NNU41/800/W33 1141 22.3 12 840 1240 8 2380
850 1120 272 6 939 5650 17500 350 420 NNU49/850/W33X 1029 22.3 12 876 1094 5 715
850 1220 272 7.5 1130 7800 18000 470 520 NN30/850/W33 986 22.3 12 883 1187 6 935
850 1220 272 7.5 1130 7800 18000 470 520 NN30/850K/W33 986 22.3 12 883 1187 6 930
850 1220 365 7.5 940 11000 28000 290 350 NNU40/850/W33 1110 22.3 12 883 1187 6 1350
850 1360 500 12 976 19000 44500 230 285 NNU41/850/W33 1213 22.3 12 897 1334 10 2890
900 1180 280 6 986 6300 19000 330 380 NNU49/900/W33X 1082 22.3 12 926 1154 5 843
900 1280 280 7.5 1185 7920 19000 310 370 NN30/900/W33 1185 22.3 12 933 1191 6 1050
900 1280 375 7.5 990 12500 31000 275 330 NNU40/900/W33 990 22.3 12 933 1257 6 1510
900 1420 515 12 1032 20500 47000 210 270 NNU41/900/W33 1032 22.3 12 947 1394 10 3160
900 1420 515 12 1032 20500 47000 210 270 NNU41/900K/W33 1032 22.3 12 947 1394 10 3160
950 1250 300 7.5 1046 7050 22300 410 460 NNU49/950/W33X 1149 22.3 12 983 1217 6 958
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 8750 22500 390 440 NN30/950/W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1300
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 8750 22500 390 440 NN30/950K/W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1300
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 9200 22400 390 440 NN30/950K/C9W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1374
950 1360 412 7.5 1050 13500 35000 250 315 NNU40/950/W33 1237 22.3 12 983 1327 6 1890
950 1500 545 12 1092 24500 56500 195 250 NNU41/950/W33 1338 22.3 12 997 1474 10 3850
1000 1320 315 7.5 1238 8500 26000 380 440 NN49/1000 1124 22.3 12 1249 1287 6 1210
1000 1320 315 7.5 1103 8500 26000 380 440 NNU49/1000/W33X 1212 22.3 12 1033 1287 6 1250
1000 1420 308 7.5 1316 10000 24600 370 420 NN30/1000/W33 1156 22.3 12 1324 1387 6 1385
1000 1420 412 7.5 1101 15000 38000 230 290 NNU40/1000/W33 1296 22.3 12 1033 1387 6 1985
1000 1580 580 12 1154 27200 62500 190 250 NNU41/1000K30/W33 1408 22.3 12 1047 1474 10 4250
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
1060 1400 335 7.5 1160 10000 30600 350 380 NNU49/1060/W33 1288 22.3 12 1093 1367 6 1360
1060 1400 335 7.5 1160 10000 30600 350 380 NNU49/1060K/W33 1288 22.3 12 1093 1367 6 1360
1060 1500 325 9.5 1391 10500 37500 350 380 NN30/1060/W33 1223 22.3 12 1100 1399 8 1650
1060 1500 325 9.5 1391 10500 37500 350 380 NN30/1060K/W33 1223 22.3 12 1100 1399 8 1650
1060 1660 600 15 1214 29000 69400 175 210 NNU41/1060/W33 1485 22.3 12 1116 1627 12 5075
1060 1660 600 15 1214 29000 69400 175 210 NNU41/1060K/W33 1485 22.3 12 1116 1627 12 5075
1120 1460 335 7.5 1220 10000 31500 330 370 NNU49/1120/W33 1348 22.3 12 1153 1427 6 1440
1120 1460 335 7.5 1220 10000 31500 330 370 NNU49/1120K/W33 1348 22.3 12 1153 1427 6 1440
1120 1750 630 15 1279 33500 76600 165 190 NNU41/1120/W33 1567 22.3 12 1176 1717 12 5570
1120 1750 630 15 1279 33500 76600 165 190 NNU41/1120K30/W33 1567 22.3 12 1176 1717 12 5570
1180 1540 355 7.5 1285 11500 35500 310 350 NNU49/1180/W33 1421 22.3 12 1213 1507 6 1660
1180 1540 355 7.5 1285 11500 35500 310 350 NNU49/1180K30/W33 1421 22.3 12 1213 1507 6 1660
1180 1850 670 15 1350 35500 83500 150 185 NNU41/1180/W33 1655 22.3 12 1227 1817 6 7200
1180 1850 670 15 1350 35500 83500 150 185 NNU41/1180K/W33 1655 22.3 12 1227 1817 6 7200
1250 1950 710 15 1426 41500 98500 120 160 NNU41/1250/W33 1748 22.3 12 1297 1917 12 8000
1250 1950 710 15 1426 41500 98500 120 160 NNU41/1250K30/W33 1748 22.3 12 1297 1917 12 8000
1320 1720 400 7.5 1620 13200 42500 260 300 NN49/1320/W33 1468 22.3 12 1353 1640 6 3040
1320 1720 400 7.5 1620 13200 42500 260 300 NN49/1320K/W33 1468 22.3 12 1353 1640 6 3040
1320 1720 400 7.5 1442 13500 42500 260 300 NNU49/1320/W33 1592 22.3 12 1353 1687 6 3100
1320 1720 400 7.5 1442 13500 42500 260 300 NNU49/1320K/W33 1592 22.3 12 1353 1687 6 3100
1320 2060 750 15 1507 45600 106000 130 150 NNU41/1320/W33 1846 22.3 12 1367 2027 6 9450
1320 2060 750 15 1507 45600 106000 130 150 NNU41/1320K/W33 1846 22.3 12 1367 2027 6 9450
1400 2180 775 19 1598 49500 117000 90 120 NNU41/1400/W33 1954 22.3 12 1470 2140 8 10700
1400 2180 775 19 1598 49500 117000 90 120 NNU41/1400K30/W33 1954 22.3 12 1470 2140 8 10700
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
1500 2300 800 19 1709 52500 132000 85 110 NNU41/1500/W33 2065 22.3 12 1570 2260 8 12300
220 370 120 4.0 270 1070 1860 1200 1500 NNU3144 265.2 19 6 233 327 2.5 52.4
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/P63W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/P53W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948/C3W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.8
240 320 80 2.1 265 625 1470 1700 2000 NNU4948K/SPC1W33 295 12.2 6 251 309 2 17.7
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 2000 2600 NN3048K 285.2 253 347 2.5 32.7
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048 285.2 253 347 2.5 31.6
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048K/P51W33 285.2 15 6 253 347 2.5 32.6
240 360 92 3.0 330 885 1690 1700 2000 NN3048K/SPC1W33 285.2 15 6 253 347 2.5 32.6
260 360 80 2.1 292 666 1500 1600 1900 NNU4952X2/C9W33 325 9.5 5 273 347 2.5 28.2
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33YA4 325 15 6 273 347 2.6 31.7
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33 325 15 6 273 347 2.7 31.7
260 360 100 2.1 292 835 2030 1400 1700 NN4952K/W33 325 15 6 273 347 2.7 30.4
260 360 100 2.1 292 760 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952K/W33 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 30.4
260 360 100 2.1 292 840 2030 1400 1700 NNU4952/W33YA4-1 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 31.7
260 360 115 2.1 292 990 2500 1400 1700 NNU4952X2/W33YAB 326 15 6 273 347 2.7 36.8
260 400 104 4 364 1010 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K/C9W33YB5 312.8 15 6 276 347 3 49.2
260 400 104 4.0 364 1110 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K/P51W33 312.8 15 6 276 384 3 49.2
260 400 104 4.0 364 1110 2120 1900 2600 NN3052K 312.8 276 384 3 49.3
260 400 140 4 295 1570 3000 1150 1300 NNU4052/W33 13.9 7.5 276 384 3 63.4
260 440 180 4.0 306 2240 4500 1000 1500 NNU4152 276 424 3 111
280 380 100 2.1 309 870 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956K/P52W33 358 15 6 291 369 2 27.5
280 380 100 2.1 309 960 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956K/W33 387 15 6 291 369 2 27.5
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
280 380 100 2.1 309 960 2200 1300 1600 NN4956K/W33 347 15 6 291 369 2 27.8
280 380 100 2.1 309 870 2200 1300 1600 NNU4956 347 291 369 2 29
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1800 2200 NN3056K 332.8 347 296 404 3 49.7
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056 332.8 347 296 404 3 52.3
280 420 106 4.0 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056K/W33 332.8 296 404 3 49.7
280 420 106 4.1 384 1170 2290 1400 1700 NN3056K/P52W33 332.8 15 6 296 404 3 49.6
280 460 180 5 326 2500 4700 900 1200 NNU4156 300 440 4 118
300 420 118 3.0 339 1050 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960/C3W33 407 17.7 9 314 406 2.5 51.6
300 420 118 3.0 339 1050 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960/C9 314 406 2.5 52.2
300 420 118 3 339 1150 2800 1200 1500 NN4960K/W33 379 314 406 2.5 52
300 430 150 4 339 1840 4150 1200 1500 NNU5960X3/W33YB4 385 314 406 2.5 158
300 460 118 4.0 418 1290 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/YA8 360.4 316 444 3 76.2
300 460 118 4.0 418 1290 2790 1200 1500 NN3060/YA8 360.4 316 444 3 77.9
300 460 118 4.0 418 1420 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/W33 360.4 314 444 3 75.5
300 460 118 4.0 418 1560 2790 1200 1500 NN3060K/P51W33YA8 360.4 17.7 9 316 444 3 75.8
300 420 118 3.0 339 1150 2800 1200 1500 NNU4960K/W33 379 17.7 9 314 406 2.5 49.3
300 500 200 5.0 312 2850 5500 900 1100 NNU4160/HCW33 360.4 314 444 3 158
320 440 118 3.0 359 1090 3040 1100 1400 NNU4964/W33 399 17.7 9 334 426 2.5 54.9
320 480 121 4.0 438 1360 2910 1100 1400 NN3064/W33 377 17.7 8 336 464 3 76.3
320 480 121 4.0 438 1360 2910 1100 1400 NN3064K/P52W33 377 17.7 8 336 464 3 72.8
320 480 145 3.7 364 1820 3870 1100 1300 NNU4064X2/C9W33 424 18 8 336 464 3 93.3
340 520 180 5 385 2490 4800 860 1000 NNU4068/W33X 460 12 6 360 500 4 136
340 520 133 5 473 1730 3780 900 1050 NN3068K/W33 406 16.7 9 360 500 4 99.5
340 520 180 5 436 2600 5500 900 1100 NNU4068/HCW33 406 17.3 9 360 500 4 136
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
340 520 243 5 410 4200 8850 900 1100 NNCF5068V 406 18.5 9 360 500 4 178
340 580 243 5 402 4000 7550 780 940 NNU4168 510 360 560 4 267
360 480 118 3 510 1190 3500 950 1200 NNU4972K/C9W33 423 18.5 9 360 500 58.5
360 540 134 5.0 493 1940 3900 900 1100 NN3072K/P52W33 426 17.7 12 380 497 4 105
380 560 135 5.0 515 1800 4100 1300 1500 NN3076K/P52W33 448 17.7 12 400 517 4 110
380 620 243 5.0 442 4130 8350 700 850 NNU4176/C9 538 400 580 4 288
400 540 140 4 446 1700 4500 NNU4980K/W33 491 16.7 8 416 524 3 90.6
400 560 140 4.0 466 1650 4750 850 1000 NNU4984K/P52W33 515 17.7 9 436 539 2 141
400 600 148 5 549 2360 4750 1150 1300 NN3080K 472 426 580 4 141
400 600 148 5 549 2360 4750 1150 1300 NN3080K/W33 472 568 426 580 4 328
400 620 200 5 469 3450 7500 750 900 NNU4084/W33 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 93.3
400 620 220 5 469 3250 7810 750 900 NNU4084X3/HCEW33X 536 12 6 440 600 4 204
400 620 150 5 569 2100 4500 1000 1250 NN3084K/W33 497 16.7 9 574 600 4 205
400 650 250 6 463 4700 9550 1000 1250 NNU4180 426 624 5 135
420 560 140 4 446 1810 4750 850 1000 NNU4984K/W33 556 12 9 440 600 4 93.3
420 620 200 5 380 3250 7810 750 900 NNU4084X3/HCW33 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 205
420 620 200 3 380 3450 7500 750 900 NNU4084/W33TYA6 556 16.7 9 440 600 4 204
440 540 100 2.1 471 1000 3000 840 950 NNU4888K/W33 505 16.7 9 448 529 2 49
440 540 100 2.1 471 1000 3000 840 950 NNU4888/W33 505 16.7 9 448 529 2 49
440 620 225 5 3860 9670 750 850 NNP4088X3/HCW33X-1 602 16.7 7.5 466 614 5 221
440 640 230 6.0 482 4790 10400 700 850 NNP4088X3/W33 602 16.7 7.5 466 614 5 256
440 650 157 6 2540 5250 1000 1200 NN3088K/W33 582 76.7 12 466 624 5 172
440 650 212 6 487 3850 8250 700 850 NNU4088/W33 582 22.3 12 466 624 5 214
440 650 212 6 487 3850 8250 700 850 NNU4088K/W33 582 22.3 12 466 624 5 214
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
440 720 280 6 511 5650 11500 600 700 NNU4188K30M/W33 638 22.3 12 466 694 5 452
440 720 280 6 511 5650 11500 600 700 NNU4188/W33 638 22.3 12 466 694 5 452
440 580 118 3 497 1150 3250 840 950 NNU4892K/W33 16.7 9 474 566 2.5 75
440 580 118 3 497 1150 3250 840 950 NNU4892/W33 537 16.7 9 474 566 2.5 75
440 620 160 4 510 2000 5400 800 900 NNU4992/W33 537 16.7 9 476 604 3 132
440 620 160 4 510 2000 5400 800 900 NNU4992K/W33 565 16.7 9 476 604 3 128
440 680 163 6.0 624 2600 6200 1000 1200 NN3092K/P52W33 565 20.5 12 486 627 5 198
440 680 163 6 624 2500 5500 950 1150 NN3092K/W33 544 22.3 12 627 654 5 185
440 680 218 6 513 4250 9300 650 780 NNU4092/W33 544 614 22.3 12 486 654 5 238
440 680 218 6 513 4250 9300 650 780 NNU4092K/W33 614 22.3 12 486 654 5 235
440 760 300 7.5 537 6350 13000 550 650 NNU4192K30 672 493 727 6 533
440 760 300 7.5 537 6350 13000 550 650 NNU4192 672 493 727 6 535
440 650 170 5 534 2300 6150 720 880 NNU4996/W33 592 22.3 12 500 630 4 150
440 650 170 5 534 2300 6150 720 880 NNU4996K/W33 592 22.3 12 500 630 4 148
440 700 165 6 644 2500 5800 930 1000 NN3096/W33 564 22.3 12 648 674 5 198
440 700 165 6 644 2500 5800 930 1000 NN3096K/W33 564 22.3 12 648 674 5 192
440 700 218 6 533 4200 9600 620 720 NNU4096/W33 634 22.3 12 506 674 5 272
440 700 218 6 533 4200 9600 620 720 NNU4096/W33 634 22.3 12 506 674 5 265
440 790 308 7.5 557 7000 14400 500 600 NNU4196/W33 701 22.3 12 513 757 6 591
440 790 308 7.5 557 7000 14400 500 600 NNU4196K/W33 701 22.3 12 513 757 6 585
457.2 660.4 203.2 6 510 3550 8300 670 800 NNU6/457.2WB/HCC9W33X 585 22.3 12 648 674 5 244
460 620 160 4 510 2100 5900 800 950 NNU4992/W33 144
460 680 163 6 501 2600 6200 1000 1200 NN3092/SPYB5 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 200
460 680 163 6 501 2850 6200 1000 1200 NN3092K/W33 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 198
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
460 680 163 6 501 2600 6200 1000 1200 NNU3092/W33 614 9.5 12 486 654 5 208
460 680 218 6 501 3930 8860 1000 1200 NNU4092/W33 614 11.5 12 486 654 5 281
480 720 200 3 600 4000 8650 950 1100 NNU3096X3/W33TYA6 612 11.5 12 520 650 4 285
500 670 160 5.0 554 2450 6800 750 1000 NNU49/500X2F1/YA34 612 520 650 4 174
500 670 170 5 554 2330 6100 750 1000 NNU49/500F1/W33X 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 178
500 670 170 5 554 2330 6100 750 1000 NNU49/500K/W33X 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 178
500 670 450 5 515 3300 8700 ND69/500X2D/DR-SY 612 22.3 12 520 650 4 402
500 720 167 6 664 2650 5800 950 1100 NN30/500/W33 584 22.3 12 668 694 5 210
500 720 167 6 664 2650 5800 950 1100 NN30/500/W33 584 22.3 12 668 694 5 205
500 720 218 6 553 4450 10500 620 740 NNU40/500/W33 654 22.3 12 526 694 5 285
500 720 218 6 553 4450 10500 620 740 NNU40/500K/W33 654 22.3 12 526 694 5 282
500 730 305 6.0 676 6200 15100 600 700 NNP6/500/HCP63W33YB5 556 658 22.3 12 526 704 5 435
500 830 325 7.5 582 7400 14500 580 700 NNU41/500/W33 734 22.3 12 533 797 6 705
500 830 325 7.5 582 7400 14500 580 700 NNU41/500/W33 734 22.3 12 533 797 6 499
530 710 106 5.0 610 2220 5900 850 1000 NN39/530K/W33 649 15.5 6 550 690 4 151
530 710 180 5.0 588 2930 7450 700 950 NNU49/530/HCW33 649 17.7 6 550 690 4 203
530 710 180 5.0 588 2930 7450 700 950 NNU49/530K/W33 649 17.7 6 550 690 4 203
530 780 185 6 715 3250 7250 880 980 NN30/530/W33 625 22.3 12 720 754 5 262
530 780 185 6 715 3250 7250 880 980 NN30/530K/W33 625 22.3 12 720 754 5 258
530 780 225 5 688 4400 10200 1000 1100 NNU6/530/HCW33 625 25.3 12 720 754 5 366
530 780 250 6 591 5400 12100 550 650 NNU40/530/W33 706 22.3 12 556 754 5 415
530 780 250 6 591 5400 12100 550 650 NNU40/530K/W33 706 22.3 12 556 754 5 410
530 870 335 7.5 618 7750 15500 460 550 NNU41/530K30/W33 770 22.3 12 563 837 6 788
530 870 335 7.5 618 7750 15500 460 550 NNU41/530/W33 770 22.3 12 563 837 6 788
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560/W33 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 245
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 235
560 750 190 5.0 623 3210 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33X 689 22.3 12 580 730 4 235
560 820 195 6.0 755 3720 8170 600 850 NN30/560K 658.4 590 790 6 337
560 820 195 6.0 755 3720 8150 600 850 NN30/560K/P5W33 658.4 22.3 12 590 790 6 336
560 820 258 6.0 732 5900 14000 530 630 NNU40/560/W33 658.4 22.3 12 590 790 6 468
560 750 190 5.0 693 2690 7900 630 750 NN49/560K/P51W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 233
560 750 190 5.0 693 2690 7900 630 750 NN49/560K/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 233
560 750 190 5.0 693 3200 8950 630 750 NNU49/560K/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 235
560 820 258 6.0 626 5900 14000 530 630 NNU40/560/P63W33YB5 732 22.3 12 590 790 6 468
560 920 355 7.5 737 8550 18200 500 600 NNU41/560/W33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 944
560 920 355 7.5 737 8550 18200 500 600 NNU41/560/HCRW33 632 23.5 12 580 730 4 944
600 800 200 5.0 666 3700 11400 560 670 NNU49/600/P63W33YB5 737 22.3 12 620 780 4 282
600 820 200 6 631 9750 35000 560 670 NNU49/600/W33X 737 22.3 12 620 780 4 282
600 870 200 6.0 805 4460 9850 600 800 NN30/600KF1/YA8 701 630 840 6 384
600 870 200 6.0 805 4460 9850 600 800 NN30/600F1/YA8 701 15 8 630 840 6 403
600 870 272 6 764 7690 15900 FL-240/600/W33 864 22.3 12 634 550
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/HCW33 864 22.3 12 634 946 6 1123
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/W33 864 22.3 12 634 946 6 1123
600 980 375 7.5 699 9800 21000 380 450 NNU41/600/HCRW33 20.5 8 650 946 6 1123
630 780 150 4.0 738 2270 6900 500 600 NN48/630K/P51W33 686 20.5 8 650 760 4 161
630 850 218 6 742 3360 11000 530 630 NNU49/630K/C9W33 686 20.5 8 650 760 4 372
630 920 212 7.5 850 5050 11300 700 800 NN30/630/P4W33YB5 686 660 760 4 462
630 920 212 7.5 850 4350 10600 550 750 NN30/630KF1/YA8 738 15 8 660 890 6 438
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
630 920 212 7.5 850 4350 10600 550 750 NN30/630F1/YA8 738 822 696 890 6 460
670 900 230 6.0 738 4900 12500 500 600 NNU49/670/C3 872 704 870 5 424
670 900 230 6.0 738 4750 13300 500 600 NNU49/670/W33 872 704 907 6 424
670 980 230 7.5 760 4980 11300 670 750 NNU30/670 872 704 907 6 594
670 980 308 7.5 260 8470 20000 480 560 NN40/670K/P4W33YB5 872 704 907 6 773
670 980 230 7.5 230 4980 11300 FL-NNU30/670/W33X 881 30 15 724 907 6 594
690 980 365 7.5 759 9950 26100 560 670 NNU6/690/HCEC9W33YB2 881 30 15 724 940 6 912
690 980 365 6 759 9950 26100 560 670 NNU6/690/HCC91W33YB2 890 736 940 6 912
710 950 243 6.0 770 5730 15200 450 530 NNP49/710/C9YA57 890 30 15 736 896 5 493
710 950 240 6.0 768 5250 15000 450 530 NNU49/710/HCW33 878 736 896 5 492
710 950 243 6.0 782 5730 16500 450 530 NNP49/710/C9YA7 22.3 12 744 896 5 512
710 1030 236 7.5 951 5500 12500 580 650 NN30/710/W33 831 937 22.3 12 744 957 6 595
710 1030 315 7.5 784 9000 21500 380 450 NNU40/710/W33 1024 22.3 12 750 996 6 858
710 1150 438 9.5 820 12800 28000 310 370 NNU41/710/W33 1110 8 1800
710 870 180 4 823 2600 8500 480 550 NN48/710X2K 771.8
750 920 170 5 879 3550 10000 460 530 NN48/750K30/W33 811 22.3 12 770 887 4 235
750 1000 250 8 831 5050 16000 420 480 NNU49/750/W33X 918 776 974 5 570
750 1000 250 6 831 5400 15800 420 480 NNU49/750 918 776 974 5 535
750 1090 250 7.5 1013 6800 15000 550 600 NN30/750/W33 877 22.3 12 784 1011 6 700
750 1090 250 7.5 1007 7050 16000 550 620 NN30/750/P63W33YB5 22.3 12 6 767
750 1090 335 7.5 830 10000 23500 350 420 NNU40/750/W33 991 22.3 12 784 1000 6 924
750 1220 475 9.5 871 16000 35600 280 350 NNU41/750/W33 1083 22.3 12 790 1180 8 2240
800 1060 258 6 884 5800 16500 360 440 NNU49/800/W33X 974 22.3 12 826 1034 5 614
800 1060 258 6 884 5700 16900 380 450 NNU49/800K/W33 974 22.3 12 826 1034 5 639
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
800 1150 258 7.5 1065 7500 17500 510 580 NN30/800K/W33 929 22.3 12 833 1071 6 750
800 1150 258 7.5 1065 7500 17500 510 580 NN30/800/W33 929 22.3 12 833 1071 6 785
800 1150 345 7.5 885 10500 26500 330 380 NNU40/800/W33 1046 22.3 12 833 1117 6 1150
800 1280 475 9.5 921 15500 36000 270 325 NNU41/800/W33 1141 22.3 12 840 1240 8 2380
850 1120 272 6 939 5650 17500 350 420 NNU49/850/W33X 1029 22.3 12 876 1094 5 715
850 1220 272 7.5 1130 7800 18000 470 520 NN30/850/W33 986 22.3 12 883 1187 6 935
850 1220 272 7.5 1130 7800 18000 470 520 NN30/850K/W33 986 22.3 12 883 1187 6 930
850 1220 365 7.5 940 11000 28000 290 350 NNU40/850/W33 1110 22.3 12 883 1187 6 1350
850 1360 500 12 976 19000 44500 230 285 NNU41/850/W33 1213 22.3 12 897 1334 10 2890
900 1180 280 6 986 6300 19000 330 380 NNU49/900/W33X 1082 22.3 12 926 1154 5 843
900 1280 280 7.5 1185 7920 19000 310 370 NN30/900/W33 1185 22.3 12 933 1191 6 1050
900 1280 375 7.5 990 12500 31000 275 330 NNU40/900/W33 990 22.3 12 933 1257 6 1510
900 1420 515 12 1032 20500 47000 210 270 NNU41/900/W33 1032 22.3 12 947 1394 10 3160
900 1420 515 12 1032 20500 47000 210 270 NNU41/900K/W33 1032 22.3 12 947 1394 10 3160
950 1250 300 7.5 1046 7050 22300 410 460 NNU49/950/W33X 1149 22.3 12 983 1217 6 958
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 8750 22500 390 440 NN30/950/W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1300
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 8750 22500 390 440 NN30/950K/W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1300
950 1360 300 7.5 1255 9200 22400 390 440 NN30/950K/C9W33 1103 22.3 12 983 1263 6 1374
950 1360 412 7.5 1050 13500 35000 250 315 NNU40/950/W33 1237 22.3 12 983 1327 6 1890
950 1500 545 12 1092 24500 56500 195 250 NNU41/950/W33 1338 22.3 12 997 1474 10 3850
1000 1320 315 7.5 1238 8500 26000 380 440 NN49/1000 1124 22.3 12 1249 1287 6 1210
1000 1320 315 7.5 1103 8500 26000 380 440 NNU49/1000/W33X 1212 22.3 12 1033 1287 6 1250
1000 1420 308 7.5 1316 10000 24600 370 420 NN30/1000/W33 1156 22.3 12 1324 1387 6 1385
1000 1420 412 7.5 1101 15000 38000 230 290 NNU40/1000/W33 1296 22.3 12 1033 1387 6 1985
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
1000 1580 580 12 1154 27200 62500 190 250 NNU41/1000K30/W33 1408 22.3 12 1047 1474 10 4250
1060 1400 335 7.5 1160 10000 30600 350 380 NNU49/1060/W33 1288 22.3 12 1093 1367 6 1360
1060 1400 335 7.5 1160 10000 30600 350 380 NNU49/1060K/W33 1288 22.3 12 1093 1367 6 1360
1060 1500 325 9.5 1391 10500 37500 350 380 NN30/1060/W33 1223 22.3 12 1100 1399 8 1650
1060 1500 325 9.5 1391 10500 37500 350 380 NN30/1060K/W33 1223 22.3 12 1100 1399 8 1650
1060 1660 600 15 1214 29000 69400 175 210 NNU41/1060/W33 1485 22.3 12 1116 1627 12 5075
1060 1660 600 15 1214 29000 69400 175 210 NNU41/1060K/W33 1485 22.3 12 1116 1627 12 5075
1120 1460 335 7.5 1220 10000 31500 330 370 NNU49/1120/W33 1348 22.3 12 1153 1427 6 1440
1120 1460 335 7.5 1220 10000 31500 330 370 NNU49/1120K/W33 1348 22.3 12 1153 1427 6 1440
1120 1750 630 15 1279 33500 76600 165 190 NNU41/1120/W33 1567 22.3 12 1176 1717 12 5570
1120 1750 630 15 1279 33500 76600 165 190 NNU41/1120K30/W33 1567 22.3 12 1176 1717 12 5570
1180 1540 355 7.5 1285 11500 35500 310 350 NNU49/1180/W33 1421 22.3 12 1213 1507 6 1660
1180 1540 355 7.5 1285 11500 35500 310 350 NNU49/1180K30/W33 1421 22.3 12 1213 1507 6 1660
1180 1850 670 15 1350 35500 83500 150 185 NNU41/1180/W33 1655 22.3 12 1227 1817 6 7200
1180 1850 670 15 1350 35500 83500 150 185 NNU41/1180K/W33 1655 22.3 12 1227 1817 6 7200
1250 1950 710 15 1426 41500 98500 120 160 NNU41/1250/W33 1748 22.3 12 1297 1917 12 8000
1250 1950 710 15 1426 41500 98500 120 160 NNU41/1250K30/W33 1748 22.3 12 1297 1917 12 8000
1320 1720 400 7.5 1620 13200 42500 260 300 NN49/1320/W33 1468 22.3 12 1353 1640 6 3040
1320 1720 400 7.5 1620 13200 42500 260 300 NN49/1320K/W33 1468 22.3 12 1353 1640 6 3040
1320 1720 400 7.5 1442 13500 42500 260 300 NNU49/1320/W33 1592 22.3 12 1353 1687 6 3100
1320 1720 400 7.5 1442 13500 42500 260 300 NNU49/1320K/W33 1592 22.3 12 1353 1687 6 3100
1320 2060 750 15 1507 45600 106000 130 150 NNU41/1320/W33 1846 22.3 12 1367 2027 6 9450
1320 2060 750 15 1507 45600 106000 130 150 NNU41/1320K/W33 1846 22.3 12 1367 2027 6 9450
1400 2180 775 19 1598 49500 117000 90 120 NNU41/1400/W33 1954 22.3 12 1470 2140 8 10700
Basic dimensions
Basic load rating
Limiting speed
Bearing number Other dimentions mm Abutment and fillet dimensions
d D B r Ew.Fw Cr Cor Grease Oil d1 D1 b k da(min) Da(max) ra(max)
1400 2180 775 19 1598 49500 117000 90 120 NNU41/1400K30/W33 1954 22.3 12 1470 2140 8 10700
1500 2300 800 19 1709 52500 132000 85 110 NNU41/1500/W33 2065 22.3 12 1570 2260 8 12300
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Ningbo Demy (D&M) Bearings Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Demy (D&M) Bearings Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Demy (D&M) Bearings Co., Ltd. es profesional Porcelana Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila Proveedor y Al por mayor Rodamiento de rodillos cilíndricos de doble fila Fabricantes.Ubicada en la costa del este de China, en la hermosa y antigua ciudad de Ningbo, se encuentra una empresa estrella en ascenso, Ningbo Demy (D&M) Bearings Co., Ltd. Su compañía subsidiaria - Ningbo Giant Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd se especializa en rodamientos de alta calidad para aplicaciones industriales y automotrices.
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